A Sexy Boudoir Photoshoot In The Cemetery

A Sexy Boudoir Photoshoot In The Cemetery

Have you ever done a cemetery boudoir photoshoot? That is, a boudoir photoshoot in a cemetery? I have been asked a number of times to shoot in a cemetery. I am often asked to shoot in unconventional places like cemeteries.

Lizzy, one of the models I work with often, asked me if I would want to do a boudoir shoot in a cemetery. The goal was to shoot for submission to magazines to promote Lizzy’s modeling and my photography work. Of course, I was intrigued by the creative aspect of shooting in a cemetery. Lizzy and I talked about the options for cemetery choice and came to agreement that the cemetery closest to my studio would work best. We booked a date and time for Lizzy and I to meet at the cemetery.

We arrived to the cemetery on our chosen day and time and proceeded to find interesting compositions throughout the cemetery. I submitted the set to some magazines. It was accepted and published by a couple of magazines, including Xany Magazine, in December, 2020.

Here is a small gallery of select photos from my West Windsor cemetery photoshoot with Lizzy


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