Portraits – Nelly – Point Pelee Marsh Boardwalk

Portraits – Nelly – Point Pelee Marsh Boardwalk

Portraits – Nelly on the Boardwalk

A few days ago, we met Nelly Shabo to shoot portraits on location at one of my favorite locations, Point Pelee National Park. While my main goal was to shoot bikini images for submission to swimwear magazines, I wanted to also shoot a set on the boardwalk.

The boardwalk is rich in wood and natural background textures so the images always come out stunning. A little bit of Photoshop magic to polish off the set is all that is required for my natural light style.

Below are a few images from the boardwalk set.  If you like this set, send me a message or comment on and/or share images you like (please credit me when sharing) and I may be convinced to post another set from the boardwalk session.

Want to order prints? Press the Shopping Cart icon with any image in large screen view to begin!  [sg_popup id=”3″ event=”click”]Click here[/sg_popup] for more information.


Click here to learn more about Windsor Photographer Ray Akey

Windsor Portrait Photography by Windsor Portrait Photographer, Ray Akey

Ray Akey Photography is not your average Windsor portrait photographer. Each portrait session is treated with care and creativity. We offer one-of-a-kind photography in the Windsor area.

This is Windsor portrait photography at its best. Ray Akey Photography is a published photographer based in the Windsor west area. Offering portrait photography in Windsor and destinations worldwide, this portrait photography studio is a popular studio in the area and is located right here in Windsor west.

Creative. Unique. Attentive to detail. These are the words typically used to describe this Windsor portrait photographer.

Our Windsor clients are typically looking for artistic vision vs. snapshots, and that is what draws people to our Windsor photography studio.

Serving Windsor and Beyond, Ray Akey Photography offers portrait photography in the Windsor/Essex County area, including but not limited to, Windsor, LaSalle, Tecumseh and surrounding areas. In addition, we also offer destination photography services where desired.

If you aren’t looking for a Windsor portrait photographer, You might also consider us for your wedding, high school senior and all your family photography needs in the Windsor area.

We are located in Windsor west @ 3200-2 Sandwich street, Windsor ON. Please call or email us for more information or use our Contact Form.

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