Beach Portraits – Kaylee – Point Pelee NP

Beach Portraits – Kaylee – Point Pelee NP

 Beach Portraits - Kaylee

Beach Portraits with Kaylee

The subject of today’s blog post is Beach Portraits with Kaylee.

As with many of my recent subjects, I met Kaylee on social media. We have discussed maybe doing a shoot a couple of times but never met in person. After I posted an availability notice on social media, Kaylee expressed interest in a beach/swimwear shoot. We booked a date and decided on the beach at Point Pelee National Park.

Canada’s 150th

When choosing a location, I figured, why not Point Pelee? The park is free entry for Canada’s 150th birthday with celebrations throughout 2017 and free National Parks entry. I have a National Parks pass for the year.

Motherhood Is Not the End

More mommies need to hear this. Being a mom doesn’t mean you have to be a sneaker & sweats wearing, baggy shirt kind of woman.  Treat yourself by taking a break, getting a makeover and having some fine photographs done!

Kaylee didn’t need a makeover and is fitness minded. She has a pretty impressive portfolio of images created while working with other photographers. Also a mom of three and has the most amazing eyes, Kaylee is absolutely gorgeous. During our conversations, she expressed an interest in returning to modeling more often. I would love to work with you again in the future Kaylee!

The Gallery

Thanks for reading! Here’s a set of photos from Kaylee’s beach portraits session.

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