Abandoned House – The Talbot Trail – Palmyra, ON

Abandoned House – The Talbot Trail – Palmyra, ON

Abandoned House - Talbot Trail - Palmyra, ON

Abandoned House in Southern Ontario

On a recent drive out to the county, we came across this abandoned house. The Talbot Trail, also known as highway 3, is home to a number of abandoned and decaying houses. This one is on the Talbot Trail just East of Palmyra, Ontario. This is not the Guyitt Homestead but another home west of the Guyitt Homestead.


Sharon and I spotted this house on the way to another abandoned house on the Talbot Trail. I don’t know how long it has been empty, but it appears to be under the process of being demolished. All of the windows and exterior wood had been removed and, there were brooms and a bunch of other cleaning supplies throughout the space. All the wood was exposed which made me a happy photographer. I love seeing texture in photos of houses/architecture.

The Photography

I used my DSLR, the Canon 5D Mark II mounted on a tripod to capture a series of exterior images from different positions and angles. Once I had a good set of external images from as many perspectives as I could reach, I moved inside.  Once inside I captured some shots of the interior before grabbing one final image of the house with its street number.

The lens I used for these images was my trusty Canon 17-40mm f/4L. When stopped down to f/8 or f/11 this lens is super crisp and is the best of my current lens collection for landscapes and architecture. I used my trusty Gitzo tripod for stability.

The Gallery

Here is a series of images from our time at this abandoned house. Thanks for looking!

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