Band Photography | Destroyer at Walkerville Art Walk
20150724 (6501) Destroyer - Walkerville - Art Walk - Ray Akey - Concert

Band Photography | Destroyer at Walkerville Art Walk

Band Photography

I have always loved shooting band photography, whether live or promotional/studio images but I don’t often get the chance due to time restraints. Also, I am a huge Kiss fan so it was nice to hear some of my favorite Kiss songs performed live by a band that sounds pretty darn close to “You want the best, you got the best, the hottest band in the world…” -> KISS!

Art and Rock in Walkerville

Walkerville’s Art Walk and Rock took place on July 24-25 this year. Sharon and I took a bike ride down to check out the festival which always has good food and entertainment, and an ample hepling of artistic presence with art installations in many of the shops Wyandotte St. E and galleries open their doors to unveil art in one of Windsor’s finest communities. That community being heritage precinct Walkerville, with its roots steeped in whiskey, its history of resisting prohibition and its everlasting charm.

A Man With A Plan

I didn’t plan to shoot outside the stage as I know a few of my photographer friends are usually present taking more than an ample number of shots of the crowd and stands/displays. I came to photograph the band! Whether band photography or portraits doesn’t matter. I pack my 5D Mark II and 2 lenses I always use for location work. I bring the  Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L for wide environmental (stage) shots of the whole band and venue. The Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS is my weapon for fighting with the heads of fans and onlookers, which allows me to zoom in and cut out distractions.  Also, by shooting wide open at f/2.8, the background melts into this beautiful bokeh that you just can’t get below 200mm. Makes the band members pop with personality and charisma!

Ready To Roll

With gear and technique respectively in hands and mind, I parked my bike which Sharon kept secure while I took a break from cycling to photograph the band. KISS tribute band Destroyer took the stage at 8pm on Friday. Below is a small selection of images from the first half of the show! You can find DESTROYER Canada on Facebook.

The Slideshow (Please be patient while it loads..)

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