Meet Maia, an aspiring 16-year old model and actress from Windsor, Ontario!
I was contacted by Maia in March to photograph a modeling portfolio for her. Previously, I photographed images for the portfolio of her mom, Carol Parris. Maia was impressed enough by our work with her mom that she contacted me to produce her first modeling portfolio. We arranged to meet at my studio to capture a selection of outfits and poses.
Maia arrived at the studio with her stylists (mom Carrol Parris and sister Kiswanna Parris) and Maia did her own makeup. We proceeded to capture a selection of images in various outfits and options for Maia to choose from during the selection/editing process.
With respect to editing, for a youth beauty/fashion portfolio, I retouched judiciously for more of a natural result. Models are hired for their features and I never modify those features in post when it comes to this type of photography work.
Maia and her crew were very happy with the images we captured to establish her portfolio. Here is a small selection of our favorite images chosen from Maia’s portfolio.