Wedding Photography | Ava and Chris Moor
I have not advertised that I do wedding photography. However, our new friends Ava and Chris were referred by a mutual friend who knows my photography work very well; a friend whom I have collaborated with in the past. Ava had been searching for a wedding photographer that fit her needs. We had a consultation and found that she needed someone available short-term and didn’t want a full day of photography. The wedding would be a simple ceremony with a small bridal party and select guests. Sharon and I were also welcomed to attend a small reception with wine and snacks, as guests not photographers. (I planned to bring my camera anyways. I never miss a chance!)
The location for the ceremony and photos of the wedding party I had been to before but had never photographed inside.. Windsor, Ontario’s Mackenzie Hall. Sharon and I decided to go over and check out the location a couple of days in advance. Sharon noticed a pretty wicked room; the art gallery called Common Ground located within Mackenzie Hall. It has a checkerboard floor and white walls. Perfect for my style! We had to shoot in this room! More on that later.
The Big Day
We arrived at Mackenzie Hall on August 15, 2015 at 11:00pm to ready for a 1:30pm ceremony. I used the spare time to meter the room and take some test shots to decide my exposure for the room and ceremony. The bridal party arrived shortly after and the room came to life. We photographed the ceremony (which was officiated by (Rev.) Bruce Pops Munro of Windsor Metal band Devilz by Definition), some quick captures of family and bridal party and then took the 2 main couples into the art gallery which was not being used. The huge checkerboard floor and white walls were an instant inspiration. We spent about 20 minutes photographing various ideas and then met again later for a small reception.
We had a great time both photographing and celebrating with you and the family, Chris and Ava. We wish you both good fortune and everlasting love!
Below is a short slideshow of my most favorite images.
Please be patient while the images load.