Stock Imagery Banner | Ray Akey | Windsor, Ontario | Commercial Photography

Stock Images

Some of my images (such as the banner above and the faded image of Detroit’s Rennaissance Center seen behind this typography) are licensed to commercial buyers through a few hand-picked traditional stock image agencies and several select microstock agencies.  Links to my portfolios with some of these agencies are listed below.

If you are looking to license stock imagery for commercial purposes, I invite you to browse through these sites for something suitable to your industry at affordable prices!

If you would like to buy a print, poster or canvas wrap of something you have seen elsewhere on this site, feel free to contact me and we will take care of you immediately!

Thanks for having a look!

Note: I am always looking for models to collaborate with on stock imagery that appeals to buyers. If you are interested in modeling for stock imagery, feel free to send us a message introducing yourself on our Contact Page. Please include link(s) to your existing portfolio, if any.


I also welcome you to check out my RedBubble shop for pre-configured products such as the ones below. Click on any product to go to my RedBubble Shop.

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